
結局コピペしてOListChar_...ってのを作りました。 オーバーロードとかできればなぁ。

気付いたんだけどこれデータ構造的にはリストじゃないですね。 配列を触りやすくしたもの、ってな。

#ifndef _STDLIB_H
#define _STDLIB_H
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifndef _STDARG_H
#define _STDARG
#include <stdarg.h>

typedef struct{
    int*    element;
    int     i;
    int     size;
} OListInt;

OListInt*   OListInt_gen        ( int );
OListInt*   OListInt_new        ( int, ... );
OListInt*   OListInt_clone      ( OListInt**  );
OListInt*   OListInt_merge      ( OListInt**, OListInt**  );
void        OListInt_expand     ( OListInt**, int  );
void        OListInt_copy       ( OListInt**, OListInt**  );
void        OListInt_destroy    ( OListInt**  );
void        OListInt_free       ( OListInt**  );
void        OListInt_push       ( OListInt**, int  );
void        OListInt_unshift    ( OListInt**, int  );
int         OListInt_pop        ( OListInt** );
int         OListInt_shift      ( OListInt** );
void        OListInt_splice     ( OListInt**, int, int );
void        OListInt_exchange   ( OListInt**, int, int, OListInt** );
OListInt*   OListInt_slice      ( OListInt**, int, int );
OListInt*   OListInt_grep       ( OListInt**, int (*func)(int) );
#ifndef _OLIST_H
#define _OLIST_H
#include "olist.h"

/* OListInt */
OListInt* OListInt_gen( int size ){
    OListInt* this;
    this = (OListInt*)malloc(sizeof(int*) + sizeof(int) +sizeof(int));
    this->element = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * size);
    this->size    = size;
    this->i       = -1;
    return this;

OListInt* OListInt_new( int num, ... ){
    va_list args;
    OListInt* this;
    int i;
    va_start( args, num );
    this = OListInt_gen(num);
    for( i=0; i<=num-1; i++ )
        OListInt_push( &this, va_arg( args, int ) );
    va_end( args );
    return this;

void OListInt_expand( OListInt** this, int size ){
    OListInt* tmp;
    int i;
    tmp = OListInt_gen((*this)->size + size);
    OListInt_copy(this, &tmp);

    OListInt_free( this );
    *this = tmp;

void OListInt_copy( OListInt** this, OListInt** that ){
    int i;
    if( (*this)->i + 1 > (*that)->size )
        OListInt_expand( that, (*this)->size );
    for( i=0; i<=(*this)->i; i++ )
        OListInt_push(that, (*this)->element[i]);

OListInt* OListInt_clone( OListInt** this ){
    OListInt* clone;
    int i;
    clone = OListInt_gen((*this)->size);
    OListInt_copy( this, &clone );
    return clone;

void OListInt_destroy( OListInt** this ){
    free( (*this)->element );
    free( *this );

void OListInt_free( OListInt** this ){
    free( (*this)->element );

OListInt* OListInt_merge( OListInt** this, OListInt** that ){
    int i;
    OListInt* merged;
    merged = OListInt_gen((*this)->size+(*that)->size);

    OListInt_copy(this, &merged);    
    for(i=0; i<=(*that)->i; i++)
        OListInt_push(&merged, (*that)->element[i]);
    return merged;

void OListInt_push( OListInt** this, int that ){
    int i;
    if( (*this)->i + 1 >= (*this)->size )
        OListInt_expand(this, 1);
    (*this)->element[++(*this)->i] = that;

void OListInt_unshift( OListInt** this, int that ){
    OListInt* tmp;
    tmp = OListInt_new(1, that);
    *this = OListInt_merge(&tmp, this);

int OListInt_pop( OListInt** this ){
    return (*this)->element[(*this)->i--];    

int OListInt_shift( OListInt** this ){
    OListInt* tmp;
    int r;
    int i;
    tmp = OListInt_gen((*this)->size-1);
    r = (*this)->element[0];
    for(i=1; i<=(*this)->i; i++)
        OListInt_push(&tmp, (*this)->element[i]);
    *this = tmp;
    return r;

void OListInt_splice( OListInt** this, int offset, int len ){
    OListInt* tmp;
    int i;
    tmp = OListInt_new(0);
    for( i=0; i<=(*this)->i; i++ ){
        if( offset <= i && i<= offset + len-1)
        OListInt_push( &tmp, (*this)->element[i]);
    *this = tmp;

void OListInt_exchange( OListInt** this, int offset, int len, OListInt** that ){
    OListInt* tmp;
    int i, j;
    tmp = OListInt_new(0);
    for( i=0; i<=(*this)->i; i++ ){
        if( i == offset )
            for( j=0; j<=(*that)->i; j++ )
                OListInt_push( &tmp, (*that)->element[j] );
        if( offset <= i && i<= offset + len-1)
        OListInt_push( &tmp, (*this)->element[i] );
    *this = tmp;

OListInt* OListInt_slice( OListInt** this, int offset, int len ){
    OListInt* sliced;
    int i;
    sliced = OListInt_new(0);
    for( i=0; i<=(*this)->i; i++ ){
        if( offset <= i && i<= offset + len-1)
            OListInt_push( &sliced, (*this)->element[i]);
    return sliced;

OListInt* OListInt_grep( OListInt** this, int(*c)(int) ){
    int i;
    OListInt* greped;
    greped = OListInt_new(0);
    for( i=0; i<=(*this)->i; i++ ){
        if( (*c)((*this)->element[i]) )
            OListInt_push( &greped, (*this)->element[i] );
    return greped;   